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Discover a practice that makes you



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Welcome to the Bodywork Coaching Boutique​ {BCB}

We are a woman owned boutique business that offers holistic

self-care support to help you feel more relaxed, peaceful, focused, and strong.

How we do this is through BodyMind© Coaching rooted into the body by way of the ​fascial system and anchored with heart to help you deepen your self-awareness, ease ​your tension, and learn to love your stress so that you can silence your inner critic, have ​more energy for the people you love and the things that you value. ​

We offer professional coaching services that nurture your physical, mental, emotional & ​spiritual well-being during all the seasons of your life because they align with your core ​values.

Click here for our scheduling page!

Image by Karolina Grabowska-pexels

Are you tired of being told by health professionals that there is nothing wrong with you even though you have this inner knowing that something isn’t right?

This can be so frustrating!! I hear this from clients all the time.

Trust this knowing.

No one knows your body better than you do.

Are you ready to get to the root of your symptoms once and for all?

Are you ready to reorganize your lifestyle one mindful choice at a time?

Imagine for a moment, a time when chronic pain didn’t keep you up at night.

Imagine you are sleeping well, waking rested, and having more energy throughout your day.

Hey, you could save yourself some money by not needing a regular caffeine pick me up midday to get you through the day!

Imagine if those things that trigger you now (which set in motion anxiety, feeling unsettled, annoyed, angry, frustrated, overwhelmed, and unfocused) didn’t bother you anymore.

Imagine yourself grounded to the earth, centered and anchored into the heart, and fully supported in this lifetime by the most radiant light, and genuine, Divine love energy.

How does this make you feel?

Transform your life!

Receive gentle guidance ​from an experienced ​coach you can trust.

Contact me to learn ​more.

“Our feelings and our bodies are like water flowing into water. We learn to swim within the energies of the (body) senses.”

-Tarthang Tulku

Create a consistent restorative self-care practice at home to better manage the symptoms of stress, sleep well, feel rested, improve emotional strength, deepen a spiritual practice, have less pain, focus easier, improve time and energy management and much more!

Getting to the root of the issue

Who is this for?

These services are for you if you are tired of being in pain and are ready to explore your unique healing expression.

You are ready to put in the work on and off the mat, and if you prefer a holistic healing approach.

This is for you if you are seeking to gain more peace of mind, if you’d like to ease pain and discomfort long term.

A person who is open to exploring their healing response by way of the fascial system to create lifelong skills that are simple and that holistically work with the body's innate healing abilities to improve overall health and well-being would be an ideal client.

These services are for you if:

You have pain that gets better but never really goes away.

You would like to create or be more consistent with a morning or evening self-care practice (or both!)

You would like to love yourself more!

You’re tired and exhausted from feeling like crap and ready to make lasting changes in your life.


“We can’t read the label from inside the jar.”


In other words, we can’t see our own blind spots.

There’s no doubt about the benefit to hiring a coach and having a supportive community surrounding you to help you get where you want to go in less time than doing it alone. The best investment you can make is investing in your future. That starts by doing the inner work now. Invest in yourself.


The mission of the Bodywork Coaching Boutique {BCB} is to empower ​others to heal themselves. We strive to nurture relationships, bring ​communities together, spread more peace in the world.

We believe this starts with changing the relationship we have with our ​bodies, because the relationship we have with ourselves sets the tone for ​every other relationship we have.

Kim Fish, LMT


Founder of the {BCB} Bodywork Coaching Boutique

BodyMind Method© Certified Coach

​​Certified Yoga Teacher

Myofascial Release Practitioner

Nationally Certified Licensed Massage Therapist

Advanced level Reiki Practitioner

Image by Stephanie Litwin-pixabay

“The solution to vanquishing trauma comes not through confronting it directly, but by working with its reflection, mirrored in our instinctual responses.”

Waking the Tiger Healing Trauma

by Peter A Levine

Meet the coach and founder of the Bodywork Coaching Boutique {BCB}, Kim Fish

For almost 2 decades Kim Fish has been the professional that individuals who feel wired and tired seek out for holistic support to ease tension, create a sense of calm, and feel more relaxed and peaceful in their day to day lives.

Kim draws from her depth of knowledge and experience as a licensed massage therapist and being a certified BodyMind Method© coach and infuses this energy into her yoga sessions to help people break free from their pain-spasm cycles so that they can sleep soundly at night, move better, breathe deeper, and feel grounded.

Kim has a confident reassuring presence that has been described by her students and clients as feeling like a warm hug.

Kim closed her massage practice in 2019 before moving to Texas with her husband and their two daughters. It was in Texas that she started to focus on empowering others to be their own wellness advocate through her coaching business and offering fascial focused self-care sessions.

She invested in and completed a program to become a certified yoga teacher in 2020 while in Texas. She enjoys teaching yin, restorative and hatha yoga styles.

Kim has relocated back to the Granite State with her family.

She now offers online personal development courses to support more people in any state, and she offers therapeutic workshops combined with hands on bodywork in her local community through a variety of restorative + relaxing events.

When she isn’t teaching a yoga class, workshop, or coaching clients online, Kim is homeschooling her young daughters.

Kim continues to follow her curiosity and regularly invests in personal development + professional advances.

She is practicing being a better advocate for her 90lb rescue pup who is still a little reactive toward people, dogs, and who is easily startled by plants bouncing in the wind, and anything else that moves.

She along with her dog, River, are enrolled in a training program so that she can learn to become a more confident handler and help River feel safe and less stressed in this world.

Ironically, this is similar to what she does for the humans in her life. You could even say it’s her calling!

Kim absolutely loves being in service to others in her community and leads by example.

She will often tell you how she was and will always be her first student and client.

“Healing is a lifelong process. Pace yourself. Have fun!”

-Kim Fish

Virtual Coaching Services

Did you know that over 80% of doctors’ visits are for stress related health complaints?

These coaching containers are designed to support you+ your desired ​transformation.

Offering you a DIY self-paced program or more personalized support options!

We are committed to helping you make your health + well-being a priority for a ​lifetime.

Create a sustainable self-care practice at home that aligns with your core values!

*Minimum time commitment for any live coaching or 1-1 mentoring container is 6 ​months. Suggested investment is at least 9 months.

In Person Services

Sacred Shared Space

33 North Main St., 2nd floor

entrance rear of building

Wolfeboro, NH

*UPCOMING Boutique Office Hours:

October 13th

October 20th

*Thursday availability in Wakefield, NH at the Garvin Room... message me ​to book.

*By appt only*


Holistic relief for chronic pain combined with science backed tools to help ​you manage the stress that fuels your flare-ups

Intro Session... New Clients ONLY

$111/ 75 minutes

An introductory session to experience massage and bodywork to see if you like the therapist and if you and the therapist would ​like to continue working together offered to you for discounted price. *Service offered to new clients only*

Therapeutic Bodywork... single sessions

A blended session using massage, myofascial release, and mindfulness techniques to meet you where you are in your healing ​process

$125/ 75 minutes

$145/ 90 minutes

Sign up for an intensive series for pre/post-surgery recovery or a maintenance package to support ​your healing process!!!

What is myofascial release therapy?

Myofascial release therapy or MFR is a holistic, hands-on bodywork that uses gentle ​compression of the fascial system and time to release fascial restrictions. These restrictions ​can feel like tightness, like heavy, dense tissue, ropey, or even feel warm to the touch.

Fascial restrictions can occur anywhere within the body. These restrictions contribute to ​limited mobility, flexibility, and can cause pain.

Myofascial Release Therapy is traditionally performed without oils or lotions, using gentle ​but firm compression to support your body’s innate healing wisdom.

If you have questions about MFR and how this gentle yet powerful work can help you, ​contact us today!

What is fascia?

Fascia is a continuous web of connective tissue that weaves throughout the body and acts like fiber optics ​communicating to every system within the body.

A healthy fascial system allows tissues to glide smoothly over each other, stretches and contracts without discomfort, ​communicates to all systems within the body, and provides important feedback that we can use to achieve optimal ​mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

My mentor, Renie of StillPoint MFR, often says, “fascia is both the lock and key” to relieving our pain and dysfunctional ​patterns.

“Fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider's web or a sweater. Fascia is ​very densely woven, covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as all of our ​internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord.”


Want to book a one-on-one bodywork coaching ​session?

*Email or text

603-969-4815 to book a session.

Shared Sacred Spaces is an office shared by several other holistic ​practitioners.

*Hours vary based on availability at SSS and your practitioner.

Image from Logan Weaver I @LGNWVR via Unsplash


Yin + Restorative Yoga at Yoga 4 Life

Mondays @ 6:30pm

75 minutes... drop in or class pass options available through ​yoga4life.

Explore tension. Stretch. Rest. This group class offers a balance between effort and ease to help you unwind and relax your mind.

All Levels Yoga- Wakefield Parks & Recreation

Town Hall Opera House, Wakefield, NH

Tuesdays @ 5:30 pm... $10

A gentle 60-minute hatha- style class combining movement and breath to feel grounded and centered and strong.

Hatha style yoga moves through asanas (yoga poses) slower than a flow class. We pause in each pose for several breaths.

This class offers you the gift of slowing down, being in your body and feeling different sensations.

This is a beginner friendly class and can also be modified for the more experienced yogi. BYO- MBB (mat, blocks, blanket)

Unwind + Restorative at Yoga 4 Life

Fridays @ 4pm

60 minutes... drop in or class pass options available through ​yoga4life.

Fridays at the bar are out. Taking care of our hearts and minds are what’s in!

A mindfully designed class that embraces and surrenders into a body mind ​experience. A place for us to gracefully move stuck, stagnant, heavy energy on ​purpose with purpose, and for us to ground and center our minds and refocus ​into our hearts with love and kindness.

This reset helps us to feel rested, sends a little love and energy into our tender ​spots so that we are open for receiving whatever comes next!

“Self- Care isn’t something we do when it’s convenient.

It’s a lifestyle we create on purpose with purpose.”

~Kim Fish


SMFR stretch + restorative workshop

at Yoga 4 Life, Wolfeboro, NH

Friday, October 4, 2024 @ 5:30p

90 minutes... $25

Take your self-care to the next level. Learn a simple, safe, and effective way to ease tension, unwind, and feel lighter in your body!

You will be guided through a full-body sequence that combines yoga and therapy balls along with hands-on bodywork rooted in the principles of myofascial release therapy to help you breathe deeper, feel grounded, and move with more awareness.

Love Your Stress Live Event

MB Muscle Therapy

1 Washington, 2nd Floor, Suite 2163, Dover, NH

Sunday, October 6, 2024 @ 6:30pm

90 minutes... $35

I’m coming back to Dover for a second collaboration with MB!

Explore the edges of your comfort zone. Stretch your beliefs. Anchor into your values. This workshop highlights how stress manifests in our bodies and gives you tools to move through stressors with love and kindness.

In this session we combine restorative yoga and therapy balls along with hands-on bodywork and energy work to help you breathe deeper, feel grounded, and move through the world with greater awareness.

Bring your own yoga mat, a pillow or cushion for added support, and a blanket. Some props will be available on a first come first serve basis. Spaces are limited so please register ahead of time to reserve your spot.

Bodywork Coaching Boutique, LLC

PO Box 148

Sanbornville, NH 03872

Flag of the United States of America

We are a small business driven by our core values of liberty, freedom, community,

connection, strength, resilience, pleasure, and fun.

We honor our military and thank our public service men and women.

Proudly serving our fellow humans.

Envisioning a better world for our kids.